Welcome! Please be advised that parking permits are only available to Cerritos residents. A parking permit is required for all vehicles parked on City streets between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m. everyday (10.02.040 CMC). Refer to the City's web page for holiday exemptions. City parking permits are free of charge and must be clearly displayed on the driver’s side dashboard of the vehicle (left corner) from 3 a.m. until 5 a.m. A vehicle displaying a valid California DMV Disabled Person Placard does not require an overnight parking permit. A parking permit does not exempt a vehicle from the City’s street sweeping ordinance (10.12.065 CMC).
Cerritos Overnight Parking Regulations can be found Here
IMPORTANT: Providing false information on a parking permit application will result in the immediate revocation of the parking permit.
For assistance, please contact the Citation Processing Center at 800-989-2058 or the Cerritos Community Safety Center at 562-916-1266.